Video Project
Our final project was to find screenshots from movies that fit under certain categories. I decided to tailor this more to my major by...
Artist Research Project
One of our final projects in Design was to create a presentation about an artist that interested us. After some consideration and...
A New ID!
Our next design assignment was to create a redesigned ID for SCAD. My mind went a few directions with this. I could've made a My Hero...
Man-made Project
This project is similar to other projects where we took pictures of various objects. This project we had to find pictures of man-made...
Golden Ratio
The golden ratio is a mathematical ratio that is often found in art, architecture, and even nature. It is simplified as 1.618. It can be...
Take a Chance
This next project was very similar to our point project and micro/macro projects. These pictures had to have a theme and surround things...
Musical Designs
For one in class assignment, our professor played various songs and we were tasked with creating designs while we listened to the songs....
SCAD Museum Designs
For class today our professor took us around SCAD museum and explained various aspects of designs and the thought processes behind many...
Microcosoms / Macrocosms
A microcosm is defined as "encapsulating in miniature the characteristic qualities or features of something much larger" while macrocosm...
Musical Geometry
Many modern designs contain geometric elements, including shapes, angles, and sequences. For this assignment, we were tasked with...