This project is similar to other projects where we took pictures of various objects. This project we had to find pictures of man-made objects. I decided to make my project themed around the videogame Horizon Zero Dawn. This surrounded the theme because the game itself is man-made but also because inside the game there are various objects and machines that are also man-made. I found a website that has objects from the game and made a collage of it which can be seen down below. From a design aspect, I like how each of the various drawings have different values, it makes a lot of variation in the colors. There's also a lot of variations in the types of negative spaces thanks to the differences in the types of machines and poses shown. Each of the machines and weapons fill in the picture planes in different ways which makes a lot of variation in the negative space seen.
I thought that this would look cool as a poster or something that could be used as an advertisement for the game so I have images of both of these down below.